Welcome to Fert in the dirt lawn care llc
Since 2023
About Fert in the dirt lawn care llc
A Top-Tier Lawn Care Service
Fert in the dirt lawn care llc is known for its eco-friendly, quality lawn care that our clients in Southwest Florida appreciate and trust. From small neighborhood lawns to commercial spaces, we approach every property with care and detail. I personally believe in building lasting relationships with our clients, Getting to know them and their personal needs and wants and especially accommodating to your schedule! Call for a free quote today!

Fert in the dirt lawn care llc Services
Mowing & Edging
Going out of town? Need weekly or bi-weekly mowing? We’ve got you covered! We strive to get our clients personal vision for their property. When you work with us, you can expect reliability, a beautiful lawn & and nice clean edging!

Aeration & Dethatching
Aerating & Dethatchig your lawn provides solutions for compacted soil, root nutrient uptake, and helps with water and oxygen absorption. We cater to the needs and requirements of each and every lawn guaranteeing you’ll get exactly what you want.
Mulch / Pine straw dye
Mulch or Pine straw looking dull? Or simply want to change color? Non hazardous, rain proof, UV resistant, MAX long lasting technology! Keep your garden beds in tip-top shape. You can count on us to make sure you’re satisfied with the results.

Call , text or email for or a free consultation and quote today!

Contact Us
Let us know if you have any questions or would like more information about our services.
North fort myers, FL